Certification Procedure

STEP: 1 Client information

Client fills in a client information form.

STEP: 2 Quotation & Assessment Application

Based upon the information provided, the zonal manger reviews the scopes available with BQAC and prepares the quotation with the letter for registration service agreement, which will be sent along with the application for registration.

STEP: 3 Certification Audit Contract

Once the Application for registration received & reviewed, which confirms the exact way client company name and site address will appear along with the description of scope (products or services) for which registration is sought. The certification audit contract will be made and sent to the client.

Step-4 AUDIT

Once the certification audit contract received, the technical manager plans the audit on the basis on audit time allocation and audit assignment, which is defined as below and raise the audit plan in duplicate, which should narrate the requirements of the relevant management system standard; size and complexity, name, address and scope of the client, date of audit and the constitution of the audit team and send it to the auditors before fifteen working days. After getting the consent from auditor, audit assignment register will be filled and the statement of confidentiality and no conflict of interest will be obtained. The Audit plan shall be sent to the client there after. The operational manager will confirm the date then about the auditor & technical expert detail with the client.

Audit plan shall reach the client before ten working days of audit. The receptionist shall confirm the dates of audit and the constitution of the auditors and mark the same on the office copy of audit plan

STEP: 4.3 Stage-1 Audits
The stage one audit is performed by lead auditor at client’s premises, to audit the client's management system documentation. To evaluate the client's location and site-specific conditions and to undertake discussions with the client's personnel to determine the preparedness for the stage 2 audit. To evaluate if the internal audits and management review are being planned and performed, and that the level of implementation of the quality management system substantiates that the client is ready for the stage 2 audit.

STEP: 4.4 Stage-1 Audit Report
After the stage one audit the auditor shall submit his finding & advise by written report.

STEP: 4.5 Stage-2 Audits
Stage two audits is an assessment audit, which is carried out after phase one audit’s inadequacies have been removed and the organization is all set to demonstrate the compliance to the selected international standard. Auditors will plan and conduct the assessment audit.

STEP: 4.6 Surveillance audits
Surveillance audits are carried out bi-annually/annually to ensure that the certified management system is in compliance and demonstrates continual improvement in terms of Systems, products and resource management.

Granting Certificate
The technical committee is appointed from the auditors and experts working with BQAC to consider specific recommendations made in relation to granting, maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending and withdrawing certification. Members of the technical committee will be independent from the auditing activity. The technical committee will be made up of three members, whose technical expertise will cover the certification scope being considered. The technical committee will be appointed by the manager technical. The technical committee is impartial & free from commercial or financial pressure.

Appeal and complaint
Request received for reconsideration of any adverse decision of BQAC attributable to office activities or on-site- audit activities.

Dissatisfaction communicated to BQAC which may be attributable to office activities or on-site audit activities.

BQAC takes responsibility for all its decisions at all levels in the handling of appeals. It is ensured that personnel engaged in the appeals- handling process are different from those who carried out audits and made the certification decisions.

Appeals handling process
The appeal can be received by e-mail, fax, written, verbal. On receipt of an appeal, AC committee evaluates gathers and verifies all necessary information to validate the appeal. The appeal is recorded, acknowledged and communicated to the appellant by AC committee.

AC committee carries out investigation of the appeal taking into account results of previous similar appeals. AC committee submits a report indicating the results of investigation and the actions to be taken as well as the reply to be sent to the client.

The final decision is made by AC committee on the basis of the review of report received from AC committee/Nominee. In case AC committee was previously involved in the certification decision related to appeal, the decision is taken by another nominated person who was not previously involved in the specific certification audit / decision process.

AC committee tracks and records the actions taken and the appellant is kept informed by AC committee on the progress till the appeal is resolved. At the end of appeal handling process, formal notice is given to the appellant by AC committee.

AC committee would ensure that appropriate correction and corrective actions are identified and implemented where required.

AC committee ensures that submission, investigation and decision on appeals shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellants.

AC committee submits his report to director technical and the decision will be communicated to the appellant.

The progress report shall be send to appellant and request him for the feedback within fifteen days. if the complainant does not come back it means the appeal is solved.

This shall be shown and discuss with impartiality committee.

Confidentiality shall be maintained throughout.

The complaint can be received by e-mail, fax, written, verbal. We will only accept such complaints with proper identification of the person. On receipt of complaint, AC committee evaluates gathers and verifies all necessary information to validate the complaint. In case it is confirmed that the complaint relates to certification activities, AC committee shall initiate investigation.

Director technical ensures that the persons engaged in complaints handling process are different from those who carried out audits and made the certification decisions.

If the complaint is about certified clients, it will be communicated to the concerned client at an appropriate time. The complaint is recorded, acknowledged and communicated to the complainant by AC committee.

Complaints are investigated by AC committee for deciding actions to be taken in response to the complaint.

In case the complaint is against the certified client, the investigation shall consider the effectiveness of certified management system and any actions required are decided by AC committee.

AC committee implements the actions decided and track the actions taken till its completion. AC committee also ensures that corrections and appropriate corrective actions are implemented and completed where required.

Whenever possible, AC committee communicates the progress on the actions to the complainant and at the end of complaint closure; formal notice is given to the complainant.

The above activities of complaint handling process are subjected to requirement for confidentiality as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.

The progress report shall be send to complainant and request him for the feedback within fifteen days. if the complainant does not come back it means the complaint is solved.

AC committee shall determine, together with client and complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution shall be made public.

Corrective actions as required are dealt with as per procedure (Corrective and Preventive Action).

Confidentiality shall be maintained throughout.

This shall be shown and discuss with impartiality committee.


  • Firstly call us to discuss.

  • Complete our application forms.

  • Withdraw from your existing Certification Agency in writing.

  • Advise us of your existing scope and audit history and copies of your most recent audit reports.

  • BQAC will continue with your existing audit schedule and issue you a new certificate.

Impartiality and Independence declaration of BQAC
The top management of BQAC understands the importance of impartiality when performing QMS/ FSMS certification activities; manages potential conflict of interests and ensures the objectivity of its QMS/FSMS certification activities. BQAC has developed and implemented procedures in compliance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021:2006 & ISO/TS 22003:2007.

The certification procedures are approved by the Director Technical and are to be abided when applicable and when QMS/FSMS certification is conducted according to ISO/IEC 17021:2006 & ISO/TS 22003:2007.

The technical Manager is responsible for conducting certification services in compliance with BQAC BQAC declares that it does not take part in any consultancy activities regarding development and implementation of any management systems.

There shall be no pressure of any kind (financial, trade, administrative, moral or other) over BQAC and the personnel regarding the execution of their obligations as a QMS/FSMS Certification Body according to ISO/IEC 17021:2006 & ISO/TS 22003:2007.

BQAC identifies, analyzes and documents all possibilities for conflict of interests that emerge from certification processes including any conflicts that emerge from its relations. Presence of relations does not necessarily position the BQAC in a situation of conflict of interests. If some relations create impartiality threats, BQAC documents and eliminates or decreases such threats. This information is presented to the Advisory Board members. It is necessary to cover all possible conflict of interests’ sources that are identified regardless of their origin. BQAC requires from all employees, internal and external, to comply with impartiality rules as well as reveal any situation known to them that may present them or BQAC with a conflict of interests. BQAC shall use this information as input in identifying threats to impartiality raised by the activities of such personnel or by the organization that employ them. Such personnel, internal or external shall not be used unless they demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest. BQAC shall not undertake any action that threatens the impartiality and/or are potential conflict of interests.

When certain relations create unacceptable impartiality threat, then the certification shall not be conducted. BQAC shall not certify another certification body for its activities related to management system certification.

BQAC shall implement corrective actions against irrelevant claims of any consultancy organization declaring that the certification will be simpler, faster or cheaper if specific certification body is used due to the fact it is conflict of interests. Also BQAC shall not state or imply that certification would be simpler, faster or cheaper if a specified consultancy organization were used.

When potential impartiality threat arises BQAC eliminates it or decreases it. This process is also controlled by the Advisory Board.

BQAC shall not certify own group companies (if there are such companies) or organizations that BQAC is a part of or a member.

Personnel, who have provided consultancy (including internal audits) with in two years to the organization seeking certification, are not allowed to take part in audit or other certification activities.

BQAC shall not provide internal audits for its certified clients. BQAC shall not certify a management system for which it has conducted internal audits within two years following the end of the internal audits.

BQAC shall not provide certification services to a client when relations between the Consultancy Company and BQAC could lead to impartiality threat.

BQAC shall not outsource audits to a management system consultancy organization as this poses an unacceptable threat to the impartiality of the certification body. This does not apply to individuals contracted as auditors or technical experts.

BQAC does not receive any financial support different from the invested in it and the fees of its services.

BQAC does not pay any commissions to consultants therefore there can be no pressure exercised on BQAC by consultants.

BQAC shall not allow any pressure from other certification bodies to influence the certification process in the organization. If other certification body declines to provide service for client and the client requests the same service form BQAC than BQAC shall investigate the reasons for declining before performing any other certification activities for the respective client.

BQAC shall not allow pressure from clients and/or consultancy organizations. If there is such pressure than BQAC will apply requirements of ISO/IEC 17021:2006 and internal procedures in order to stop such practice.

BQAC shall not allow pressure from employees and/or related persons.

All employees are obliged to work in compliance with requirements of ISO/IEC 17021:2006 and ISO/TS 22003:2007 and as per agreement of contract.

Top management of BQAC is committed to full compliance with this declaration.

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